
The Blog

Hi, welcome to Jason Journals. This is my personal blog where I geek out about my interests in tech and stuff. You'll find posts about mobile devices, apps, video games, and more. Here are the topics: Blogging, Gaming, General, Reading, Social, Tech

Jason Journals has been going since 2017, mostly on WordPress. It's now a static site hosted on Neocities. I hand-code all the HTML+CSS. It's ad-free and javascript-free.

Note: I don't use A.I. to generate any part of my blog. This blog is under construction; posts are slowly migrating from my previous host. Please pardon any broken links.

Feel free to reach me with your comments or post replies by email or on Mastodon: Contact

The Blogger

I'm Jason McFadden. I like thinking to write and writing to think. I've always been drawn to gadgets and digital stuff. Blogging about such is one of my hobbies. Tinkering with blog themes, CMS, and the underlying code is also fun.

As for tech, I've used hardware, software, and services from Microsoft, Google, and Apple. The latter is my favorite.

In gaming, I've played a little bit of everything, starting with the Atari 2600. Nintendo has always been my main platform. And my favorite kind is JRPG.


These labels are explained in this post.

