Howdy, friends. I can't believe we're nine days into October and I've yet to blog this month. Well, until now. I've been super busy and focused on adding a bathroom to our house. It's a challenge and I'm in git'r'done mode. But that's not all I've been up to, making progress in Tears of the Kingdom as well. Can't be all work and no play. Topping things off, I've even been turning pages on my Kindle.
My old house has one full bathroom. It's tough to share it among seven people, but we've made it work for years now. That said, I did add a half-bath in the master bedroom at one point, but the toilet was a compost kind and we quit using it. So finally, I'm adding a real second full-bath. Can't wait 'till it's done.
The year is winding down, my backlog isn't, and more games keep releasing that I want to play. So I had to step it up and make progress in the biggest Zelda game ever. I made myself stop exploring everything and focus on main quests. So in the past ten days or so, I knocked out the last two regional phenomenon. For me that was the Gerudo and the Zora. I also discovered new caves and chasms. More to come.
I've been enjoying the new release from Taylor Lorenz called, Extremely Online. It's great! She chronicles the rise of social media throughout the history of the internet. I've read many books about specific social media services, but this book is focused on the whole paradigm of socializing online and the bloggers, creators, and influencers involved. It's less about the services or technology and is more about the people and how the culture leverages social media.
That's been my October so far. I've got more specific tech posts in draft and will likely get those published in the near future. Thanks for following along. Enjoy the Fall weather!