15 Aug 2023 Tech

Meet Cal Newport

Showing more appreciation this week for another creator: Cal Newport. He’s a Computer Scientist (that’s code for “nerd”). His many contributions (website/blog, books, podcasts) and general approach to work/life balance are inspiring and insightful.

I’ve been following Newport for a few years now, but never on social media. If only that were possible. I’m pretty sure this is how I first discovered Cal Newport: by the fact he is not on and never has been on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media!

His anti-social media views were dismissed at first. But things have certainly changed in the social media landscape over the past few years. Suffice to say, Cal’s approach to things got better attention.

I regularly listen to his podcasts, cherry-picking the parts most interesting to me in the moment. I also subscribe to his Study Hacks blog. And my favorite work of his is the book he authored: Digital Minimalism.

Newport has influenced many with his prescribed methodologies and principles about the work/life balance, how to handle email, time-blocking (related to the Getting Things Done paradigm), deep thinking, hive-mind mentality, and focus, among other things.

As a scientist and thinker, Newport has intrigued me with his insights around technology and social media, which has helped me at times when I’m overwhelmed by digital things. Escaping to a cabin in the woods is not exactly an option for me, but I do find other ways to “touch grass.”

I highly recommend you check out Cal Newport’s productive works. You’ll likely find some benefit.

Comments? Email or mention me.