How do you react when the Giant Backlog Monster shows its scary face and threatens your time and attention? It’s like a sleeping giant you dare not disturb lest you feel the burdensome obligation to play games you already bought. When this creature throws its weight upon you, four responses are yours to choose: Fight, Magic, Items, Flee!
Your natural reaction is defensive. In horror at the ghastly face of a Giant Backlog, you deny it, “My backlog isn’t that big; it won’t take years to finish.” Deep down, though, you know better. The ever immovable monster must be dealt with head on. So you’re gonna fight. But should you pause your current game or finish it first? The Backlog beast has bothered you for too long — the battle is urgent. You take up a controller with determination.
But then you realize that simply playing through the Backlog is a fool’s errand, an insurmountable task. It’s a war you won’t wage since a win is all but impossible at this point. There must be a work-around, a hack, a bit of magic to make short work of the unruly Backlog. Luck strikes: you find a way to make it disappear. You dispel the notion that the Backlog demands your current attention. Casting sleep upon it, you make the monster slumber quietly, neutralizing its threat.
Relieved, you resume your current game. “This is fine,” you think. Convinced the Backlog Behemoth is small and undisturbed in the background of your mind, you focus on other games beckoning your cash. “There’s a sale!” and “I’ve been wanting that game.” You reason, “This game won’t be available for long; I can’t pass it up.” The Backlog is already a Giant, what can a few more great games hurt? You add these items to your cart. But now your inventory is full! The Backlog grows!
There’s only one option left in the face of your ever growing Backlog Boss Battle as it morphs into final form. There’s no time. Your inventory is cluttered. Items are missing. The truth slams down: you’re under-leveled! The Backlog will one-shot you, no doubt. In haste and futility, you choose to run from what you cannot face; it’s your only chance to survive your gaming adventure.
The Giant Backlog Monster is the common enemy of all gamers. We must unite against it. Only a combined effort in the gaming community, a party of many as one, stands a chance to win. Together, we can summon the ultimate deathblow and defeat the Backlog.
(This post was inspired after reading (Not) Taming the Backlog by Tipa at Chasing Dings!)