07 Aug 2023 General

My Bio Info Intro

As part of Blaugust2023, here’s my introductory post in which I share a bit about who in the world this guy on the internet is. I’m taking a simple approach by briefly explaining my social-bio labels: Gen X, Texan, Husband, Dad, Geek, Blogger, Believer.

Gen X

I was born in the same year that Star Wars released. The Generation X label lets folks know my rough age and the culture in which I was raised. This gives some context to how or what I think. I’m young enough that I unfortunately missed being alive when man first set foot on the moon. But I’m old enough to appreciate how life worked before the internet and social media. The Gen X fact also lets me avoid the “Boomer” or “Millennial” labels, which seem burdened with unwanted baggage.


Howdy, y’all! I’m from Texas. Born in Houston, I grew up across the country (was a military kid) then returned to the Lone Star State, graduating high school and college. I like Texas, its freedoms, and Tex-Mex; Chips-n-salsa is a staple in my diet. My home and work were near NASA for a while; now I’m on the edge of the West Texas desert. My accent is southern but can vary.


My wife and I met in college late 1999, started dating mid 2000, and happily married late 2001. She’s my first and only wife, the love of my life, my better-half, and she’s a blessing. I thank God for giving us each other.


My wife and I have five (5) sons. Of course, I hoped for a girl along the way, but God saw fit to bless us with boys. It kind of simplifies parenting in some ways. Being a parent is challenging. I could probably blog just on this subject, especially since we’ve been homeschooling all our kids from the start.


The geek label is likely obvious since it’s what fuels my blog. I enjoy books, video games, and movies. I’m into computers and the internet. I like sci-fi and high-fantasy themes. I’ve practiced a few different martial arts. And in high-school I was a hardcore street skateboarder. I tend to dive into subjects that interest me, so I figure I’m in between a geek and a nerd. But I’m not just about depth; I also like breadth. My brain strives to have a holistic view of how various subjects connect or relate.


This one also might be apparent. Yet among the different labels or identities available, Blogger is an interesting one for me. I’ve always liked to write or journal (I’m more of a words guy than a numbers guy). And I’ve had a few different blogs over the past 20 years or so. But for a long time, I was reluctant to self-identify as a Blogger because I was inconsistent. With Jason Journals, I determined to fix that by blogging regularly. And if I stuck with it for a year, I’d call myself a Blogger. Well, I’ve been blogging on Jason Journals for about five years or so. It’s a hobby I enjoy, a passion I guess, outside of my paid profession.


This term is a bit generic. What do I believe in? One of my favorite answers: I’m a great sinner; Christ is a great savior. The Holy Bible, God’s word, is the basis of my faith. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is my Lord and savior. I’m Christian, Protestant, and my denomination is mixed; mostly it’s Southern Baptist. That said, I’m not into religion.


It’s hard to adequately encapsulate the nuances of a person via a few labels on the internet. But hopefully this bio info intro gives you a decent overview about me. Maybe it will provide context to my posts. But I’m pretty compartmentalized online. The digital bits of me I share are almost exclusively the geeky ones.

Comments? Email or mention me.